Win Exciting Prizes from Game Management Corp

5machine_bank_smallcropCustomers who play at locations running Game Management Corp's Multi-Bonus Systems have the chance to win great prizes* each month. Game Management Corporation is sponsoring the monthly giveaways and this month's prize is roundtrip airfare and lodging at a first-class resort for two. The first drawing will be held on May 2nd at a location that is to be determined. Subsequent drawings will be held on the first Sunday of every month at predetermined locations.

Please check out our latest Appreciation Bonus System!!!!



How the giveaway works:

  1. Play one of the video poker machines connected to the Multi-Bonus System at a participating establishment
  2. Everyday of each month, 2 random Multi-Bonus Game players will win a ticket inviting them to participate in the grand prize drawing
  3. Approximately 60 people will participate in each drawing
  4. Drawings will be held the first Sunday of every month at a designated location
  5. Only 1 lucky person will win
  6. You must be present to win!

Establishments running Game Management Corp's Multi-Bonus Systems know their customers like winning. With the ability to set bonuses to fit your location's needs, owners can cater to clientele with bonuses that will keep customers coming back for more. Multi-Bonus Systems can be programmed for anything from free drinks to television giveaways. As the business owner, it's your call.

Contact Game Management Corp now to set up your Multi-Bonus System!

*For entertainment purposes only. All prizes have no cash value.

Due to individual jurisdictional requirements and regulations, these products may not be approved in your area. Please check with your local authorities for more information.


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